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SCID for Windows
alekhinDate: Четверг, 12.02.2009, 03:40:36 | Message # 1
Группа: Чемпион месяца
Сообщения: 1118
Признак жизни: Offline


Shane Hudson; Pascal Georges ©

Обновилась популярная бесплатная шахматная оболочка для работы с базами SCID для Windows до версии Scid 3.6.24 от 22 июня 2008 года. Исправлений очень много, поэтому всем кто ей пользуется рекомендую обновиться. В частности, в новой версии добавлена возможность игры по интернету на FICS (fresschess.org), поддержка движков UCI! Кроме того, программа поддерживает русский язык и теперь делает это фактически полноценно! Правда некоторые белые пятна еще остаются. В пакете предлагается как обычно большой набор тестовых позиций, имеется возможность игры с движком в диапазонах от 1200 единиц до 2200+ и много другое. К сожалению полноценно эту версию мы не успели испытать, но скачать и начать пользоваться мы советуем всем, даже тем, кто привык к продуктам ChessBase и Chess Assistant!

Прямая ссылка на прогу (8,3 мб, включая русский язык):

Скачать самую последнюю версию всегда можно с этой страницы:

Подробное инфо:

Список исправлений:

[more] scid-3.6.24

- added an option menu for Tree windows : Fast Mode. This will dramatically reduce the time needed to refresh the tree window but will not handle some transpositions. It is efficient only if the following procedure is followed :
* Sort the database by ECO code
* Compact the database
* Fill the cache of the database (Tree window menu)
using "fast mode" has no drawback on the cache used and the cache data saved is the one that calculates transpositions. This speed enhancement is only useful on system with low RAM compared to database size (for example 1 GB of RAM for a base containing 3 millions games).
- most used shortcuts are available from all windows (arrows, F2, F3, etc).
- engine window is compacted and use toolbar-like buttons with tooltips, making room usage more efficient. The escape button closes the window.
- when searching games with ECO code, games with no ECO code are not included by default
- ECO lines are translated in search by header dialog
- removed the frame showing material balance except for the main board
- Added move annoucements when playing on Internet (a simple move is always played when the opponent moves)
- FICS play : the graph of game offers is added (inspired by JIN), and Time seal is supported (timeseal exec must be installed). When observing a game, previous played moves are retrieved from server.
- reworked Merida and Fantasy piece sets so that there is no aliasing problem (requires package Img, which should be present everywhere)
- Fixed a bug (many years old) in Twin games detection : the parameter "Always keep games with variations" was hidden, hence always ON, preventing deletion of twins
- changes in code (menus, changes in Crafty) to help compile Scid under Mac Os (thanks to Garth Corral)
- Engine priority is idle by default on Windows and on other platforms latest setting is kept, but resetted after each start of Scid or there would be no mean to get back to a normal priority on Linux
- minor bug fixes and enhancements :
* Changes in crosstable and tourney finders : hope this will make them more accurate
* Header search. 'Defaults' did not reset 'Side to move'
* Click on any line in ECO browser : used to replace game without asking
* changed sizes of photos of players when clicking on them
* fixed "coach is watching" that would not detect user's blunders
* show variations window improved
* up arrow leaves current variation if at start of variation (like z shorcut)
* Fix XML decoding issue for CC (special chars like ' & < > " etc.)
* Fixed a bug in opening trainer (due to pieces translation)
* Fixed a bug in scmerge
- Correspondence chess: feature complete. xfcc is done internally or via external tools, email chess is handled by external mail programs, sychronisation of either input against a specific local DB, help pages added, automatic setup added, xfcc config dialog available.
- Pocket PC :
* Memory optimisation : will spare 800 kB to 1 MB
* Most widgets are now themable (note that some themes don't work well with some resolutions : it is up to the user to make his choice).
* Search headers and board completely reworked
* Greko 5.7
- Correspondence Chess: Hook up window with scids internal geometry manager and add some optional Xfcc flags provided by SchemingMind in near future (player countries, FIDE and ICCF-IDs).
- Fix bug in email chess which sent the annotated game to your opponent.
- Hardened the code in sc_base_open so in case of failure in opening a base, things are cleaned up (most of the code concerns Scid Pocket, but some is also used for PC version).
- updated swedish translation (thanks to Hans Eriksson)
- updated spanish translation (thanks to Benigno Hernández)

Существует также умерший проект Chessdb (клон scid).
Автор проекта David Kirkby.
Не рекомендуется к использованию.


SCID-3.6.26 October 2008

Шахматы учат быть обьективным.(А.Алехин)
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